Büyütmek için resme tıklayın...
Yayınevi :
Berikan Yayınevi
Basım Yeri / Yılı :
ANKARA / 2022
Sayfa Sayısı :
Ebat :
16 cm X 24 cm
Fiyatı :

Pregnancy is a physiological process, but worldwide over half a million women die every year from pregnancy-related obstetric complications. Obstetrics faces two challenges: how to provide more effective care for the mother and the baby.  This book will discuss about the obstetric emergencies which effects the pregnant women and the intrauterine fetus. Also, this book hopefully will bring more harmony of understanding the maternal and fetal complications during pregnancy. I believe that each chapter will be a valuable resource for the residents and students which are practising obstetrics.

I hope that,  as well as summarising curent knowledge in the obstetrics, this book written by valuable specialists will help all medical doctors in their clinical practice.

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