The Place And Importance Of The National Movement Journal In The Transformation Of Republican Peasant Nation Party Into Nationalist Movement Party (1966-1971)

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Yayınevi :
Berikan Yayınevi
Basım Yeri / Yılı :
Ankara / 2023
Sayfa Sayısı :
Ebat :
14 cm X 21 cm
Fiyatı :

        This book conducts a detailed analysis of the National Movement journal- the first media organ of CKMP and of MHP. Through the book, readers will have the opportunity to examine systematically the periodical which was released for six years in the period between 1966 and 1971. Thus, the book “The Place And Importance Of The National Movement Journal In The Transformation Of Republican Peasant Nation Party Into Nationalist Movement Party (1966-1971)” will shed light on the ideological transformation of CKMP into MHP which occurred between military intervention of 27 May 1960- one of the most important breaking points of Turkish political life- and 12 March 1971 internal memory.

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