In Ibn Sina Medicine four elemental instructions(fire, air, water, earth), four theory of hilt (blood, bile, love, phlegm),four temperaments (blood, bile, love, phlegm), nature (immune system) etc.(Ibn-i Sina, 1995; Abdulhamid Y & Abdulhamid M, 2009; Abdulhamid Y, 2005).Uyghur Medicine can treat many chronic diseases. In particular, he succeeded indeveloping new methods for the treatment of diseases that are difficult totreat, such as vitiligo, diabetes, schizophrenia and psoriasis (M. Ömer, 2019).It is seen that Uyghur medicine drugs in China are very effective for COVID-19and there is a lot of demand by cities in China.
The New Coronavirus Disease is a disease thatgenerally progresses with high fever and cough, and in advanced cases,difficulty in breathing. In addition to these, it has been shown that differentsymptoms such as nausea-vomiting, diarrhea, muscle joint pain, loss of appetiteor pneumonia, severe acute respiratory failure may occur. In a study, it wasstated that when 64 serious upper respiratory tract diseases were treated withZukam Ore, a success rate of 92.19% was achieved (Zhong & Guan, 2014).
It has been proven to be effective on inflammation andhas an antiviral effect (Silafu et al., 2000). 2 groups of children upperrespiratory tract infections Ribavirin injection to 70 children,