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Yayınevi :
Berikan Yayınevi
Basım Yeri / Yılı :
ANKARA / 2020
Sayfa Sayısı :
Ebat :
14 cm X 21 cm
Fiyatı :
The information age we live allows people to receive more information about each other. People receiving new information pay more interest to others’ cultures, faiths, experiences, ways of life and thoughts about future. So, the scholarly studies are stimulated by intercultural dialogue. The significance of “Religious Sciences” among other sciences and samely that of “The History of Religions” among Religious Sciences (or Study of Religions) have increased in the course of time. The modern person wishes to learn more consciously not only about his own beliefs, but also about the others’. People, now, want to learn everything about a religion from its pillars to its symbols. Those who want to understand the developments in the world wish, in particular, to be informed about the contents of scriptures of great religions. In this sense, the History of Religions has gained special importance throughout the world and the interest in this field has been unceasingly increasing.
This book comprises some previously published articles that deals with the development process of studies about the History of Religions in Turkey, research topics of the field, and the ways of supporting the interreligious affairs field with accurate information and make it a problem-solving platform at a national/international level.
I would like to thank Berikan Publishing House and all those who contributed to the publication of the book, and I sincerely hope the book will contribute to the universe of reflection and intellect.

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